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Cell & Gene Therapy International


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September 23-26, 2024
Hynes Convention CenterBoston, MA

Dennis Powers
Director of Sales Engineering at G-CON Manufacturing Inc.


Dennis Powers is the Director of Sales Engineering for G-CON Manufacturing since 2013 and has over 20 years of experience working in the biopharmaceutical industry on both the manufacturing and supplier sides of the business. He has held positions in various technical and management functions including engineering, quality and validation, project management, and operations. Through his career, Dennis has worked closely with numerous companies in the pharma and biopharma industry to provide process and facility solutions to meet their specific needs. He is an active member of ISPE and the PDA. Dennis received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware and his M.S. in Management from NYU Polytechnic University.

Agenda Sessions

  • Advances and Implementation of Process Intensification an Overview Followed by Panel Discussion with Industry Experts
