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Scheduled: 28 May 2025, 12 weeks
On-Demand: Start Now!

Turn your vocational skills into professional qualifications

Online learning for personal development and accredited qualifications

Lloyd's Maritime Academy is delighted to partner with the Marine Society to offer students the chance to access the Learn @ Sea platform whilst studying for the Certificate in Marine Insurance, for free.

The platform is accessible for one year after taking up the option, and is a great way of understanding basic Maths or English before or during the course.

Maths @ Sea

Maths@Sea is for nautical students and those about to begin a course at nautical college. The entire programme is marine themed - it uses relevant, nautically-flavoured examples and language. As well as functional maths, it also covers elementary aspects of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry: essential skill sets at nautical college, but often no longer covered as part of the school curriculum.


It is for seafarers whose first language is not English. It provides reading, spelling, listening and vocabulary for beginners.

Terms & Conditions

  • Maths@Sea and English@Sea courses are complimentary for students of the Lloyd’s Maritime Academy Certificate in Marine Insurance.

  • Students need to select their participation at Maths@Sea/English@Sea in the Certificate in Marine Insurance's application form at time of payment.

  • Students do not need to be members of the Marine Society prior to their enrolment and payment of their Lloyd’s Maritime Academy course

  • Maths@Sea & English@Sea courses are delivered and administrated by the Marine Society.

  • By signing up to the Maths@Sea or English@Sea courses you agree on sharing your contact details with the Marine Society.

  • Lloyd's Maritime Academy is not responsible for the content shared and delivered by the Marine Society.

  • The Marine Society will provide students with links to set up their accounts at the Learn@Sea platform

  • The Learn@Sea platform is accessible for one year after taking up the study options.