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October 9-11, 2024
Omni Nashville HotelNashville, TN

Daniel Estrada
Co-Founder & CEO at 86 Repairs


Daniel Estrada is the co-founder and CEO of 86 Repairs, the end-to-end repairs and maintenance (R&M) solution built for the restaurant industry.

Daniel has over 20 years of experience in leadership roles, including working with both independent and Fortune 500 restaurant operators to improve margins by proactively managing R&M. He’s been featured as an expert in venues and publications including the annual Restaurant Facility Management Association (RFMA) conference, The Spoon, Mashed, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Bloomberg, and podcasts such as the Closed Monday show and National Restaurant Owners.

Daniel is a first-generation American, multi-citizen, and speaks three languages.

Agenda Sessions

  • How to get R&M costs under control
