Beth MeierSenior Manager - Medical Devices at GLOBAL Regulatory Writing and ConsultingSpeaker
Beth Meier, PhD, is a senior manager in the medical writing space with a focus on EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR). At GLOBAL Regulatory Writing and Consulting, she leads a dedicated US-based team that specializes in the preparation of key regulatory documents, including Clinical Evaluation Reports (CERs), Post-Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) Reports, and Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs). Beth has leveraged previous work in curriculum development to design and establish a unique internship program at GLOBAL. This work has produced dozens of highly-qualified medical writers who comprise the majority of GLOBAL's Medical Device team. She has also designed and led custom training programs with several GLOBAL clients.
Agenda Sessions
Building a Team: Successful Teamwork for MDR Sustain
, 10:10amView Session