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Saskatchewan Real Estate Forum
Thursday October 16, 2025
TCU Place, Saskatoon

Chairs' Reception - October 15 - Remai Modern Museum, Riverview Room

Samantha Lawrek
Valuations Consultant at Brunsdon Lawrek & Associates Real Estate Appraisals And Advisory Services


Samantha Lawrek has been working as a fee appraiser since January 2008. She received her AACI, P. App designation in 2012. Her appraisal experience covers a broad spectrum of commercial, institutional, multi-residential and industrial properties amongst other types of real estate consulting. Samantha’s specialties include high rise office tower valuation, shopping centre valuation, commercial valuation, industrial valuation, hotel/motel valuation, land development valuation and market lease analysis. Samantha is the current President of the Saskatchewan Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and serves on the National Standards committee which revises and edits the Canadian Uniform Standards and Professional Appraisal Practice which is the guiding document for all Appraisal Institute of Canada appraisals. She was recently named Top Appraiser under 40 in Canada.

Agenda Sessions

  • How Are Secondary Real Estate Markets Across Saskatchewan Performing?
