To be confirmed
Take Your Seat At The Table With Private Equity Industry Leaders
Have face time with some of the brightest minds in these interactive closed-door sessions.
Closed Door BoardRoom Sessions
Run strictly under the Chatham House rule so you can speak openly on the topics that really matter to you.
- GP led secondary deals: the good & the bad | 17 Nov
Is alignment amongst all stakeholders actually possible? Hear first hand experiences. - The key to a happy LP/GP relationship | 17 Nov
What is behind the most successful long-term relationships? - Financing & market risk | 16 NovMore details to follow...
No Pre-Registration Required. First Come First Served. Spaces Are Limited!
The 'How To' Of Investing In Technology & VC Workshop
New for 2016, this exclusive LP-only workshop includes expert analysis on...
- The evolution of European VC cycles
- How to source and interpret data
- Today’s European innovation hubs
Pitch your fund to a powerful investor audience
90 seconds to promote your fund to a captive LP audience. No fund data, no statistics and no comparisons. How would your pitch fare?
Find out in the Delegate Quickfire Showcase, a popular informal session judged by an expert LP panel.
All these sessions have limited numbers and will be available on a first-come first-served basis. For your chance to take part, book now.