Stefan LehotkayAdvisor, Opera Investment Partners and Director at Nordwind GrowthPanellist
Stefan currently invests in software companies in DACH with Nordwind Growth, one of few dedicated technology growth funds in Germany where he is responsible for deal origination and fundraising. He also works with Opera Investment Partners, a FoF dedicated to backing Emerging Managers in Europe as an Advisor and IC member. Prior to joining Nordwind, Stefan established the Munich office for Monterro, a Nordic SW investor. From 2010 to 2020 he worked with Clearsight Investments, backing Emerging Managers in DACH, Nordics and CEE. and joined from Almeida Capital, which raised money for Small and mid-cap managers globally. He started his PE career at von Braun & Schreiber in Munich in 2001.
Stefan Lehotkay's Network
Agenda Sessions
No cap for the small-cap market: why is appetite increasing?
, 12:15View Session