This site is part of the Informa Connect Division of Informa PLC

This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 3099067.

4-7 November 2025
To be confirmed


We've got a whole host of new and exciting sponsorship opportunities on our virtual event platform.

  • You can capture lead or qualification data through polls and surveys
  • Gamification options to enhance your impact and audience interaction.
  • Virtual networking. Interact live on camera with all those that drop into your exhibition space.
  • Fully branded private video chatroom. Invite people to your private chatroom to collaborate and do business. You can screenshare, annotate and invite others to join too.
  • Event directory. You'll get a spot on the sponsor and exhibitor listing with your branding for all attendees to browse, and links to interact in your booth space


Have live video conversations when people step into your booth - either one-to-one or in small groups.

Make those all-important first impressions count just as you would do with a physical exhibition booth.

This is your fully branded lounge/booth/showroom space. Including:

  • your branded company profile page showcasing pre-recorded videos eg. demos, product pitches, etc
  • your own resource area. Include links to a slide deck or brochure which visitors can download. Add links to relevant web pages. Or display videos showing potential customers how you can help them.


Our new online platform will provide you with demonstrable ROI. You can see who watches your session, who visits your virtual booth, details of meetings scheduled and engagement with your brand throughout the event.

  • Analytics available during and post event for your booth and the wider event
  • Get details of meetings scheduled and engagement at your session and in your room
  • See the impact of engagement features e.g. surveys/polls, and gamification


Our virtual platform will enable digital to digital face-to-face connections, ensuring you can meet the people that matter most to you.

Guarantee time in front of senior executives and more through the One-to-One Meeting Package.

View the list of attending companies in advance, pre-select those you would most like to meet and let us do the rest! You’ll arrive at SuperInvestor with a full schedule of meetings organised by our VIP team.

Take advantage of our strong relationships with financial executives to ensure you get time in their diaries. We will only set up a meeting if it's of mutual interest.