3 in 1 Connectivity Whitepaper Bundle
In an age of connectivity, there are no limits, boundaries or restrictions to the flow of information. Seamless connectivity in shipping will revolutionise ship operations and chartering.
As connective technologies (e.g. smart phones, wireless and cloud computing) have become part of our personal lives, it has become more prevalent in businesses. In many cases, digitalisation has been thrust upon businesses for them to remain relevant.
Where some industries have embraced digital transformation, it's a complex issue for the Shipping industry. Many players and operators do not have a high level of integration, seafaring vessels are large physical assets, regulatory and safety procedures are time consuming and often adopting one technology leads to the next, in a seemingly never-ending cycle. But digital transformation can bring value to the operations of a vessel.
For the shipping industry digital transformation is mainly about enabling automation of manual processes to reach new levels of performance. However, there are challenges and legacy related issues which inhibit the implementation of digital transformation.
Many maritime businesses are seeking solutions that can make them more efficient in the short-term and position their business to meet future demands for more optimised operations and higher performance management.
Do you understand what it means to enable effective technologies? The effective implementation of digital technologies also has implications for organizational change, and this raises bigger issues that shipowners need to address sooner rather than later.
In this collection of whitepapers we examine the importance of seamless adoption, and how information and data provision will future-proof the Shipping industry. We will also examine 5 keys areas where connectivity will improve the maritime sector, and the 5 questions you should ask your maritime connectivity provider.
This collection includes:
1) Connectivity: digital adoption to future-proof the shipping industry
Digitalisation is certainly not a new concept in Shipping with many operations and functions being digitalised over the last 5-10 years as connectivity and accessibility to information has grown exponentially. As new ideas and applications birth new technologies, these new technologies give rise to new iterations in a perpetual cycle of innovation.
Implementing technologies and enabling organisational change is no simple task and organisations need to stay at the cutting edge to ensure they foster innovation, remove legacy systems and future-proof their business practices.
The effective implementation of digital technologies and organizational is therefore paramount as solid networks and infrastructure will underpin this change - particularly in the Shipping industry - and information and communication technologies (ICT) will be key to making this happen.
2) Connecting to the future: 5 ways connectivity will change the maritime sector
Digital technology has become instrumental in transforming business.
Not only has the rapid growth of digitalization changed the roles and responsibilities of the shipping industry's 1.6 million seafarers, it is also challenging traditional ship operating practices.
From ship to shore, operational, efficiency, and maintenance applications are providing robust operational advantages to shipping businesses through high-throughput connectivity.
The industrial revolution 4.0 (the fusing of technologies in the digital, physical and biological spheres) is here. It’s an exciting time for investment into new technologies to meet the rising challenges of modern business. As change is constant the importance of infrastructure remains important, and infrastructure remains the backbone of connectivity.
3) 5 questions every shipowner should ask their maritime connectivity provider
Digitalization is a process that is still maturing in shipping. An increasing range of operations and functions have become automated over the past few years as connectivity and access to data have grown. As new business concepts foster the wider usage of data and complex applications, new technologies will give rise to fresh iterations in a perpetual cycle of innovation.
The effective implementation of digital technologies also has implications for organizational change, and this raises bigger issues that shipowners need to address sooner rather than later.
Without an informed approach, digitalization can be a minefield for shipowners. To help, we have put together a list of five questions any potential communications technology buyers should ask their vendor.
We sit down with the team at Speedcast and examine the 5 questions you should be asking your connectivity provider. Learn what you need to ask to ensure your provider reflects your business journey - and takes into account the people involved!
Download this collection of whitepapers to help you separate the signal from the noise and learn more about future-proofing your business today.