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EMex London: The Emerging Manager Exchange
June 2025
London, United Kingdom

Peter Lundgreen
Founding CEO at Lundgreen’s Capital


Peter Lundgreen is the founding CEO of Lundgreen's Capital, an investment advisory firm that has been in the market since 2009 and is regulated by the Danish FSA. With a clientele spanning municipalities, large institutions, and high-net-worth individuals, Lundgreen's Capital offers high-return investments in mutual funds and alternative investment funds.

Lundgreen's Capital invests in promising growth companies specializing in sectors like edtech, energy, climate, and defence intelligence services. One standout offering is the mutual investment fund Lundgreen’s Invest – China Fund, recognized with the highest 5-star rating in Morningstar and Lipper.

Although based in Denmark, Peter's expertise transcends the European financial market zone, and was able to successfully establish high-level expertise and competency on the major financial markets around the globe.

Agenda Sessions

  • Standing out from the Crowd: Differentiators and Communications
