Eligibility criteria
The A4S Academy is a global programme and we welcome participants from all regions and geographies. The programme is designed for finance team members and those who can enact change in finance.
An accounting or finance background is not required, provided you are in a role with the capacity to influence finance teams and processes within your organization.
Participants must be senior finance professionals or those with the ability to enact change in their finance teams.
Participants must be endorsed by their Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or other relevant senior sponsor within their organization.
Language proficiency
Participants must have a sufficient level of English so that they can read relevant materials, contribute in seminars and understand the teachings of the programme.
Organization size
Participants must be from an organization with a market capitalization of £1bn or more, or if non-listed: income of £1bn or more.
Knowledge level
No prior sustainability knowledge is required – the Academy programme suits an early-stage audience where sustainability considerations are not advanced.
We do not require specific qualifications in order to be accepted on to the programme, but during the application process you will be asked to list any professional / other relevant qualifications you have.
Inquire about applying
Want to learn more about the Academy, or apply to be part of the 2025 cohort?
Contact Senior Education Consultant Lee Baker to assist with inquiries:
Lee.Baker@informa.com | +44 (0) 20 8052 2784