David Mohyuddin (KC)Barrister at Radcliffe Chambers (UK)Speaker
A ‘silk who gets his hands dirty,’ he is a ‘reassuringly thorough and tenacious advocate’ who is ‘technically excellent’ and ‘very aware of the practical and commercial context of his advice.’ He is popular with clients, being ‘fantastic to work with.’ David likes to be part of a team, recognising clients’ commercial and practical problems and the need to achieve the speedy and cost-effective resolution of their disputes.
He has experience of high profile, significant and long-running litigation, as one of the Silks leading the Secretary of State’s team in the directors disqualification proceedings arising from the failure of Carillion plc. The case was included in The Lawyer’s ‘Top 20 cases for 2023’.
David is just as comfortable in multi-day trials in complex and high-value claims as he is in making urgent applications and advising those already involved in or contemplating litigation.
Agenda Sessions
BHS and claims against directors – is the jurisdiction broadening or is this more of the same?
, 10:20View Session