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All Things Insights Gatherings
All Things Insights Gatherings
Virtual Event, Eastern Time Zone

Trip Kucera
SVP of Marketing at CANVS


As Executive Vice President of Marketing, Trip is focused on driving awareness and growth for Canvs AI. Trip is a SaaS marketing veteran with over 20 years of experience. After starting his career in corporate communications (PR/AR), during which he navigated tech category creation, an IPO and an acquisition, Trip joined Aberdeen Group as research analyst covering marketing effectiveness and strategy. At Aberdeen, Trip developed survey-based data sets, correlating actions with performance to identify “best-in-class” practices. He subsequently led a “center of excellence” team within Oracle focused on accelerating modern marketing practices across the North American marketing teams and was head of marketing communications at Dyn, which was acquired by Oracle in 2016. Prior to joining Canvs, Trip led marketing for Blackbaud’s K-12 and Higher Education verticals.