100+ experts and peers will be sharing scientific and commercial content on biocontrol, plant Biomes and more.
Join us and be part of the conversation!
Build Your Pass With 3 Easy Steps:
- Select the pass type relevant to your organisation (commercial or non commercial entity)
- Select "Digital Experience Pass"
- Enter your registration details and complete your booking
Delegate Types:
Delegate from commercial entity: Organisation selling goods and/or services.
Delegate from non commercial entity
* Non-profit organisation, government agency or academic circles.
* Supporting document will be required at time of registration.
Student: Students can get a free of charge digital experience pass.
Valid student card will be required at time of registration.
Questions about student passes? Contact Customer Service for more information and registration at billing@newaginternational.com
Please provide the following information: Full Name, Occupation, University name, Address, Email
Flexible Registration Policy
Register your team for an all access or virtual experience pass today knowing you're covered with our flexible registration policy. Any time up to 14 days before the event, you are welcome to substitute your all access pass for a digital experience pass, or vice versa (pending space availability). Simply contact us, and we will either charge you the difference for upgrading to all access or credit back the price for transferring to digital only.
For payment terms and cancellation policies, please see our terms and conditions here
Looking to Register for the In-Person Experince pass?
Book a LIVE Experience pass HERE
Contact Event Marketer, Carmen Hernandez at carmen.hernandez@newaginternational.com