Digital Experience Pass
Last Chance to Register!
Digital Experience Pass Benefits:
- Access to the ConnectMe digital event platform starting 4 weeks before the live in-person event
- Access to the recorded in-person main conference presentations delivered March 19-21 (12 months of on-demand access after the in-person event in San Diego concludes)
- Access to digital exhibition and poster hall where you can live chat with exhibit staff and poster presenters
- Access to the full attendee list (both in-person and digital only attendees) with video chat, instant message and meeting request functionalities
- BPI West does not include any live stream access. The digital experience pass is purely on-demand access to sessions, available 3-5 days after they are presented on-site.
What do I qualify for?
- Work for/Be part of a young company/start-up founded within the past 5 years with <50 employees.
- Your organization/company has a therapeutic pipeline in development
- Not belong to CDMO, CMO, CRO, supplier, technology provider, or vendor organizations.
- Not be an event sponsor, exhibitor, or in sales, marketing, account management, or business development roles.
- Must be full time acad/govt professional with valid acad/govt email and no industry affiliation
**All registrations subject to be reviewed before orders are processed**