Sponsor & Exhibitor Center
Exclusively for current sponsors and exhibitors to manage deliverables.
We encourage you to check back often for updates and additional information.
Key Dates
Book Hotel
Cutoff Date: February 24th
Confirm Exhibiting
Confirm by: March 3rd
Email maggie.donlon@imn.org to confirm
Attendee List Available
Available: March 3rd
Register Passes
Deadline: March 10th
Please review the below details regarding pass registration.
Exhibitor Information
In this section you will find information regarding exhibitor specific information.
Shipping to the Event
(Your Name) (Your Cell Number)
c/o Grand Hyatt Nashville
1000 Broadway
Nashville, TN 37203
(IMN’s B2R East-Your Company Name)
Box _______ of ________
Set-up and Tear-down Times
Exhibit Setup: Sunday, March 16th from 4:30-5:30pm
Exhibit Teardown: Tuesday, March 18th after the AM break at 10:45 am
Need Power or AV?
*If you would like to order AV items, please complete the below Exhibit Order Form, and return it to grandhyatt.nashville@royalproductions.com
*Please note you will need to order electricity to plug into walls in the exhibit area.
*General wi-fi will be provided by IMN, but if you require wired internet, please order it through the form.
Audiovisual Contact (for any AV, power/electricity, internet inquires):
Hotel Contact
Hotel specific questions? Please contact:
Tracey Perfetti
Convention Services Manager, GRAND HYATT NASHVILLE
T +1 615 622 4114
Please Note:
*The Hotel charges for package handling and storage. Please see details on these charges below.
*During the conference, the hotel will contact you to collect payment. It is your responsibility to pay these fees.
*Packages should not begin arriving at the Grand Hyatt more than 3-5 business days prior to the event.
*If you bring your own shipping labels, you will not need to schedule a pickup. The Grand Hyatt shipping department schedules pickups with all major carriers.
*Please note: the exhibitor tables are linen-less.
Pass Registration
To register your firm and/or client passes, please use the links and action codes provided to you via email from Maggie.donlon@imn.org. If you cannot find this email or your action codes, please email Maggie to have this shared with you.
FIRM PASSES are for members of YOUR COMPANY. If you exceed the allotted number of passes, additional passes can be purchased at a reduced rate of 25% off the standard registration. Please contact your IMN sponsorship coordinator for assistance with additional passes. Any passes submitted incorrectly will be declined and asked to resubmit through the portal.
CLIENT PASSES limited to INVESTORS, OPERATORS and HOMEBUILDERS. All client passes are subject to approval by the IMN team. Please note that the pass is ‘Pending Approval’ until the pass has been approved by the IMN team. No Client Passes will be accepted within 24 hours of the event date. Any qualified client passes submitted after that date will be charged 20% off the standard registration rate. Those individuals with an existing registration are not eligible for client passes.
Key Contact
For any questions regarding your sponsorship please contact Maggie Donlon @maggie.donlon@imn.org