CLA Introduces Its Incentive Program

"In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do. The worst thing you can do is nothing." - Theodore Roosevelt
The Creative Leadership Academy proudly unveils its Incentive Program. The 3-day holistic experience begins the second you enroll.
Here's what you get:
Enroll by 12/9:
Bundled package of executive summaries from the industry's best events: Front End of Innovation US & Europe, FUSE: Brand Identity & Package Design, Future Trends and The Market Research Event
Benefit: Share this year's design, innovation, and market research findings with your internal colleagues.
Enroll by 12/16: A hard copy of Andy Stefanovich's book: Look At More. Plus enter our CLA lottery to win a personal meeting with Andy Stefanovich, Chief Provocateur, Prophet
Benefit: Develop your company's brand and marketing strategy with a private meeting with Andy. Access your ability to balance short-term business needs against longer-term growth goals.
Enroll by 12/23: Inspiration Kit with inspiration doses and new lessons to follow. Plus e-books from CLA's Authored Provocateurs
Benefit: Test your right-brain skills and prepare your mind to challenge what's already there.
Enroll by 1/6: Video content from the best Keynote talks at Front End of Innovation US & Europe, FUSE: Brand Identity & Package Design, Future Trends and The Market Research Event
Benefit: Access our extensive database of Keynote presentations.
Enroll by 1/11: Post-Academy web seminar
Benefit: Continue your personal and professional creative development and get a glimpse of the next Academy line-up.
Here's how it works:
' Enroll by December 9th and receive offers 1+2+3+4+5
' Enroll by December 16th and receive offers from 2+3+4+5
' Enroll by December 23rd and receive offers 3+4+5
' Enroll by January 6th and receive offers 4+5
' Enroll by January 11th and receive offer 5
Enroll early and get the most value out of your 2012 investment.
Your CLA Team
* Tuition must be paid in full to participate in the incentive program.
Download the syllabus to learn more.
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