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16th Annual Client Assets Protection Forum
Conference: 11 June 2025
Workshops: 10 & 12 June 2025

Hanish Arora
Head of Client Assets Consulting at KPMG


Hanish leads KPMG's CASS Consulting practice, a specialist team that advises on the UK Financial Conduct Authority's Client Assets requirements, and has been with KPMG for 20 years.

Hanish has worked with a wide range of clients on a number of financial services audit, assurance, advisory and Section 166 projects, and has also undertaken client secondments to the operational functions of a major UK building society, a US investment bank and UK Financial Investments (part of HM Treasury). His main focus over the past decade has been on advising firms on compliance with the CASS requirements across the Banking, Asset Management, Platform and FinTech industries, bringing insight on KPMG's perspective of the FCA's expectations and the market's approach to emerging issues and challenges. Hanish is currently helping a number of firms with regulatory change programmes to strengthen CASS compliance in conjunction with enhancing upstream operational processes to make them more efficient, cost-effective and scalable for growth.

Agenda Sessions

  • Addressing the risks of business change in CASS
