Gjermund MathisenPartner at KvaleSpeaker
Gjermund primarily practices in the areas of competition law, state aid and EU/EEA law. He has extensive experience with such cases from working at the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) and the EFTA Court, as well as in the Legislation Department of the Ministry of Justice and in the European Commission. Before joining Kvale in 2022, Gjermund held the post as Director of Competition and State Aid at ESA for eight years. In his time as Director, ESA dealt with some of its all-time largest competition cases, and several hundred state aid cases. In his preceding role as a Member of ESA's Legal Service, he represented ESA in some 30 cases before the EFTA Court, the Court of Justice and the General Court in Luxembourg.
Gjermund publishes widely, especially on EU/EEA law, in Norwegian and international journals. He also co-authors the book "EEA law", now in its 4th edition, and he co-wrote the comments to the state aid rules in the Commentary on the EEA Agreement. He graduated with law degrees from Norway and Germany, and holds a Ph.D. in law with a thesis on Norwegian law in Nordic, European and global cooperation.
His area of expertise further encompasses extradition, international cooperation in criminal proceedings, and the impact of EU/EEA law on criminal law and procedure.
Agenda Sessions
State Aid & Foreign Subsidies Regulation
, 14:30View Session