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CompLaw: Nordic
25 & 26 March 2025
Radisson Blu Waterfront HotelStockholm, Sweden

Johan Karlsson
Partner at Kastell AdvokatbyrÄ


Johan Karlsson is one of Sweden’s most renowned EU and competition law practitioners and has extensive experience also in related areas such as state aid, public procurement as well as in sports law. He represents clients before Swedish authorities, the European Commission and the EFTA Surveillance Authority as well as in litigation before Swedish and EU courts and arbitration tribunals. Johan is the creator and author of the Swedish reference work on competition law, KonkurrensrĂ€tt – en handbook (6th ed., 2022) and of a commentary on the Competition Damages Act, Konkurrensskadelagen – en kommentar (2023). Johan also serves as a member of the Swedish Supreme Sports Tribunal (RiksidrottsnĂ€mnden).

Agenda Sessions

  • Nordics: A Year in Review - Major Events & Cases

    , 14:20