Per KarlssonPartner at Advokatfirman Per Karlsson & CoSpeaker
Per Karlsson is Advokat, Member of the Swedish Bar Association. He founded a new law firm in 2019 where Tommy Pettersson (former partner of Mannheimer Swartling) joined in 2020. Per was the Chief Legal Officer at the Swedish Competition Authority February 2011 - May 2018. Before that he worked in private practice for almost ten years with one of the major law firms. He was legal advisor at the Swedish Ministry of Industry and Trade 1995 - 2000, on EU & Competition Law matters. He worked in Swedish courts 1989 – 1995. He has been expert and secretary in around ten Government Committees on competition law and have an extensive litigation experience from all kinds of Swedish courts and from the EU courts. He is also author of a book on Swedish Merger Control, “Svensk kontroll av företagsförvärv” 2018, Norstedts Juridik, and author of a chapter on “The Practical and Legal Effects of National Decisions in Subsequent Damages Actions” in a book regarding Damages in Competition Law, 2019, Hart Publishing. He holds a LLM degree from Uppsala University.
Agenda Sessions
New Competition Law Tools: Considerations, Proposals & Experiences in the Region
, 13:30View Session