Complimentary Webinar: Emotional Marketing- The New Rules of Engagement

Join us - June 30 at 2:00 - 3:00PM EST
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Words are the most powerful force on earth, as the greatest moments in history and advertising have been captured by words. Words can be electric if chosen correctly, so when you use them to advertise your products, services and brands make them come to life by igniting people's hearts in order to light up their minds. Neurologists agree that what we hear is retained for 5 seconds and what we see is retained for 1 second.. why then do we continue to focus on visual stimulus when we should be engaging a greater part of your consumers brain? If you want to be unforgettable learn to engage all your consumers' senses. Do your customers wait on the sidelines for the next promotion or is their loyalty dictated by how you make them feel?
Marketers today face unprecedented challenges with respect to gaining the consumer's attention due to the emergence and convergence of technology. Consumers today are constantly bombarded with messages from companies trying to gain share of their hearts through effective advertising. One of the biggest questions that our presenter Inez Blackburn has is why marketers insist on answering questions in their ads that none of their customers are asking. Consumers today are struggling with the current economy and as a result are constantly looking for escape. Too often marketing messages are focused on a product feature or attribute with little relevance to the consumer.
There is a sea of change brewing in the advertising industry triggered by an explosion in digital media. These changes have resulted in tremendous upheavals in traditional advertising and marketing.
Does your message or advertisements speak to their mind or heart? Will you win by logic or emotion?
<br /'A man convinced against his will is unconvinced still,' Pastor Phil Johnson
What you will learn:
-Learn to leverage new consumer insights to create promotions beyond price
-Learn the 5 critical success factors for effective marketing in a sea of choice
-Gain a greater share of heart with emotional marketing designed to engage the senses
-Understand new consumer models and buying behavior and the impact of somatic markers
-Sustainability and Social responsibility is only he beginning , survival will depend on your ability to remain relevant for a greater share of heart
-We understand why consumers buy now we need to understand why consumers lie ' learn what really drives consumer decision making
About the Presenter:
Inez Blackburn
President of Market Techniques & Innovations, Inc.
Inez Blackburn is a globally recognized speaker, industry leader, innovator, and pioneer in launching global brands with over 25 years experience. She has worked with many Fortune 500 companies and led numerous executives through her Positioned for Profit Seminars and Marketing to the Max Workshops. She has been on the Dean's list for excellence in teaching for 10 years and is a featured trainer at numerous executive events. Inez is President of Market Techniques & Innovations, Inc. and an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto, Wright State University, and S.P. Jain University in Singapore and Dubai, as well as a featured instructor at Pennsylvania State University.
She has worked extensively with major corporations and has played a pivotal role in implementing customer-centric strategic plans, marketing best practices, and balanced performance metrics. She also teaches companies how to leverage the power of collaboration for a sustainable competitive advantage.
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