Dates confirmed for North American Shipping Week 2021

Carleen Lyden Walker, Chief Evolution Officer of SHIPPINGInsight, and Chris Aversano, President of the Connecticut Maritime Association (CMA) announced today they will be repeating their collaboration to produce North American Shipping Week to be held October 11-15th in Connecticut. SHIPPINGInsight2021- Bridging the Decade will open the week on October 11th, followed by the CMA Shipping Conference and Exhibition the afternoon of October 13th.
The events will run consecutively in Connecticut and offer the maritime community the chance to attend two highly respected shipping conferences physically or virtually. With SHIPPINGInsight’s focus on technology and innovation, and CMA Shipping’s emphasis on the commercial aspects of shipping, the many facets of the maritime community will be well covered.
“Last year was a challenging time for shipping. Not only was it facing a decade of profound change due to regulatory demands and the acceleration of digitalization, but the pandemic forced our industry to pivot to new working practices and norms. We successfully supported the industry through the first North American Shipping Week. With this year’s SHIPPINGInsight2021 - Bridging the Decade leading off on Monday, October 11th at the Hyatt Regency until midday on Wednesday, October 13th, we will once again provide cutting edge discussion with access to our solution providers and their products and services” stated Walker. “CMA Shipping will commence at 2:00 at the Stamford Hilton (less than two miles away) and continue through Friday, culminating with the Commodore’s Celebration.”
“On behalf of the entire CMA board and its membership, we are excited to announce our plans for 2021,” states Aversano. “This is our second year that we will be partnering with SHIPPINGInsight to bring you another North American Shipping week and we are hoping to see you all in person at the Hilton in Stamford, Connecticut. Naturally we are always concerned for the health and safety of all in attendance and we will be consistently following advice from official government and local authority guidance.”
Aversano adds, “Keeping consistent with years past, we plan to bring you a robust agenda, with timely topics. One of our key features of our show is networking, and we hope we can bring that to you.”
“We continue to focus on was what is best for the industry writ large and the importance that our community be safe, which is why we are offering a hybrid event,” observed Walker. “Our relationship-driven industry thrives on the personal connection and trust built through face-to-face interactions, and a hybrid format helps us achieve accessibility globally. Both organizations deliver quality programs that have distinct goals: SHIPPINGInsight2021 focuses on technology and innovation with CMA Shipping putting the emphasis on commercial engagement.”
When the business community is ready to emerge from ‘lockdown’ later in 2021 - North American Shipping Week will be the fastest, most cost-effective and impactful way to engage with peers, suppliers and customers, and will be a perfect opportunity to ‘hit the ground running.' Participants will benefit from five days of networking on a larger scale than ever before. This hub of North American shipping activity will feature two great events in a week's extravaganza of networking, top content from renowned speakers and new business opportunities.
Chris Clarke, Group Director of Maritime Conferences at Informa and Head of Production for the CMA Shipping Conference and Exhibition noted, “We're excited to be able to bring together the North American shipping community once more. While we look forward to welcoming the community back to Stamford this year, but we fully appreciate the fluidity of the situation.”
“As part of all our face-to-face conferences, exhibitions, and events, we are implementing our Informa Allsecure standards and practices at CMA Shipping. The health and safety of the exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, delegates, visitors and journalists who attend our events is paramount, and we aim to ensure that everyone involved is able to enjoy a safe, productive and high-quality organized event experience,” stated Clarke.