Ramin KolahiPrincipal at Lighthouse PartnersSpeaker
From consulting to construction to lending to ownership, Ramin brings a uniquely diverse point of view. Having directly worked on over $500M of real estate transactions, his breadth and depth adds operational value to multiple real estate product types.
Formed in early 2009, in the heart of the worst recession in a generation, Lighthouse Investments is the culmination of Ramin’s many years to bring those lessons and skills learned early and developed over time from having been COO of a national development company, construction lender to managing complex construction projects.
A licensed civil engineer and contractor, Ramin has worked in the ditches and behind the desk providing practical and innovative solutions to every real estate deal. Ramin is active in ULI, serving as co-chair of ULI-LA’s inaugural TOD Committee and on ULI-LA’s Program Committee, he also sits as Board member of Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council and was previously a member of the National Brownfields Association.
Agenda Sessions
Family Office Investment Plenary: How Are You Maximizing Returns In The Distressed Sandbox?
, 5:00pmView Session