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Does your brand connect with consumers?

Posted by on 19 July 2016
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Your Brand and the New Consumer
Whether you are looking to inspire those within your
organization or the consumers you are targeting, a clear and powerful message
has always been essential. But today, the message is no longer enough.
Brands need to define their human purpose and tell that story in a way
that inspires and motivates others.
Consumers are concerned with everything from the ingredients
within a product to the conditions where it is manufactured. Every purchase
decision has become a representation of who they are, their values and the
future they want to create for themselves and their families. Brands such as
Google and Dolby have embraced these ideas and have connected authentically
with consumers as a result.
Foresight & Trends brings you experts to help you
activate trends and apply them to your business. We are excited to announce two
new additions to our program.
View the Foresight & Trends Agenda:
Vince Voron, Vice President, Executive Creative
Director, Global Brand Content Marketing, Dolby.
Using Storytelling and Design to
Build Iconic Brands: Join Vince as he shares his design leadership experiences
from Apple, Coca-Cola and Dolby to demonstrate the value of thoughtfully
designed experiences at all consumer touchpoints.

Mel Coleman, Global Marketing &
Communications Manager, Google Food Program
Baking Innovation into the Google
Food Program
Join Mel as she explores the ways
the Google Food program innovates to nudge better food choices, bring people
together, and push boundaries to address challenges in the food system.
Visit the website to learn more:
Don't miss your chance to hear these and many more amazing
speakers that will challenge how you think, work, and live!
Use exclusive
LinkedIn discount code FT16BL for $100 off the current rate. Buy Tickets:
See you in Miami!
The Foresight & Trends Team
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