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eTourism Marketplace
20-22 November, 2024
Grand Hyatt WashingtonWashington, D.C.

Marina Petrova
CEO at Intentful


Marina Petrova is the CEO of Intentful, a GenAI company that creates AI models that "know" your destination. Today, many DMOs and travel brands use Intentful's GenAI solutions in their work. Marina is a frequent speaker on digital transformation, data, search, and the practical use of AI, including at the University of Oxford, WFA, IPW, eTourism Summit, WTM, to name a few. Marina is an omnichannel communications professional with 20+ years of experience in digital, creative and media, working with customers in 50+ countries. She worked in the travel industry for over 10 years.

Agenda Sessions

  • AI Evolution: Leading Your Team Into The AI Era
