Demo, pitch and speaker coaching to advance your strategic vision
Benefit from our substantial stage experience to win allies, spread your message, and move the needle every time you speak.
Demo and pitch coaching for every occasion
No matter what your company or technology does, at some point you will find yourself standing up in front of a room full of people, and you will have to make them care about you. It could be a big-stage opportunity like Finovate. It could be a VC pitch meeting. It could be a sales meeting, or any number of other situations. The bottom line, though, is that when you’re speaking to people, you have a very limited amount of time to capture their attention. And once you have it, you need use it quickly and effectively to advance your strategic interests.
Getting yourself in front of the people who matter is not easy, and when you get those opportunities, you have to make the most of them. Let Finovate’s Greg Palmer help you and your organization succeed every time you speak.
Anyone can speak
You don’t have to be an excellent public speaker to give an excellent presentation. You don’t even have to like speaking. Greg’s coaching breaks down the presentation process into a series of easy-to-follow steps that will let anyone deliver a commanding performance on stage. And if you already have some experience and comfort in front of a crowd, that’s great! Greg’s custom approach engages with speakers wherever they are and helps them take their speaking to the next level.
Substance, not flash
Being a compelling speaker isn’t about gimmicks, comedy, or flashy presentations. It’s about delivering a presentation that clearly articulates your key messages and leaves the audience wanting more. When it comes to business-oriented speaking engagements, there’s only one metric that matters: moving your business interests forward.
Start to finish
A good presentation isn’t just about being on stage. Setting yourself up to succeed with the proper prep work is crucial. Greg helps with every step of the process, including identifying the messages you want the audience to take away, building a strong outline, writing a compelling script, and allocating your time on stage effectively. Starting with strong fundamentals will allow you to succeed when the pressure is on.
Compelling visuals
Whether you’re in a live demo environment or pitching via a more traditional slide show, using visuals effectively is vital. With extensive expertise in both live demos and slide shows, Greg can help you make sure that your visuals are sending the right message, no matter the format in which you’re presenting.
About Greg Palmer
Greg has been with Finovate for more than 12 years, and he’s seen literally thousands of live fintech demos. He serves as Finovate’s MC in residence and hosts the popular Finovate Podcast.
Greg also serves as Finovate’s primary demo coach, preparing companies to take the stage and deliver strong 7-minute live demos of their latest innovations. Greg has coached hundreds of companies over the past 10+ years, and he knows first-hand what makes a demo a success. Equally valuable, he’s also seen what not to do. There are a lot of common pitfalls that people fall into that seriously undercut the efficacy of their presentations and undermine all the hard work they did to get on stage.
For Greg, nothing is more painful than seeing a company on stage with good technology, an audience watching them who could use that technology, and having the presentation fail to capture the interest of the audience. What results is a missed connection and an avoidable market inefficiency, not to mention the damage it does to the company who failed to take their chance. Don’t let yourself be the next missed connection!