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Fuse Speaker Spotlight: Steve Frykholm, Herman Miller

Posted by on 13 February 2012
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As we look forward to Fuse 2012 we'll be featuring some of our exciting speakers here on the blog.
VP & Creative Director at Herman Miller, Steve Frykholm will be presenting "Years of Original Design: Design as a Core value" on Friday, April 20th, 2012.

Frykholm is an AIGA Medal winner and widely recognized for shaping the visual identity of Herman Miller. Having worked at Herman Miller for more than four decades, Frykholm will use his session at Fuse to demonstrate points in time where design has been improved, tested, or institutionalized at the modernist furniture manufacturer. He will also cover how Herman Miller has built and maintained its design reputation and the reasons why he's worked there for 42 years.

Fuse Chair Debbie Millman interviewed Frykholm for her Design Matters podcast in April of 2011, listen to the interview here to hear more about his lifetime in design as well as the history of his iconic beard.

My favorite take away from the interview? Fryholm saying "If you're going to be promoting something, it might as well be something you like."

Learn more about Fuse and Frykholm's keynote talk by downloading the brochure. We're pleased to offer readers of the Next Big Design blog 15% off of registration for this year's conference. Register with code FUSE12BLOG here.

Plus, stay in touch for more conference news and industry updates by joining our communities on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter.

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