Cell and gene therapy products have now the potential to cure intractable diseases, and fundamentally alter the trajectory of many other vexing illnesses. It was product innovation that marked the inflection point in the development these therapies, with the advent of safe and effective vectors for the delivery of gene therapy products, such as the adoption of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors.
This whitepaper presents the latest best practices for choosing between, and planning, an outsourcing or insourcing strategy for cell and gene therapy manufacturing, including:
- Reflective analysis for outsourcing
- Patient population considerations
- Insourcing: Building your 'Lego lab'
- Which time is the right time to approach a CDMO
- Preferred Partnership agreements
- Considerations for autologous vs. allogeneic products
To download simply log in or register for an Informa Connect account, which will give you access to all our exclusive premium content.
Have any questions or interested in sponsoring future content? Email andrew.burrows@informa.com.
This piece represents the views of the author and not necessarily the views of Informa Connect Life Sciences or the Cell and Gene Therapy conference series.
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