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Meet the Experts
November 2025
London, UK

Kylee Dickie
Group Head of External Reporting at National Grid


Kylee Dickie is National Grid’s Group Head of External Reporting, leading the financial and non-financial reporting processes for the Group and all Group-level technical accounting and policy. Kylee has been in her current role for three years and over that time has led the complex accounting and reporting for the various M&A transactions involved in the Groups strategic pivot towards electricity in the UK. Kylee has also set up National Grid’s ESG reporting Centre of Excellence and led the development of National Grid’s leading ESG disclosures under TCFD, GRI and SASB. Prior to her current role, Kylee did a variety of leadership roles at National Grid, across Finance and Group Treasury in both the UK and US, leading on various transformation initiatives. She is also a Trustee of the National Grid Electricity Group of the Electricity Supply Pension scheme and, before joining National Grid, Kylee held roles at Shell and EY where she qualified as a Chartered Accountant.