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Molecules to Markets
March 15–16, 2025

Hotel Melia Milano
Milan, Italy

John Faulkes
Consultant at PPMLD Ltd


John began his career as a scientist in GSK. He moved after some years to a new career in training/HR first as a trainer and eventually as a Learning and Development Business Partner. He then left to become a consultant, working as a freelancer running team building sessions, personal skills courses and doing instructional design and coordination.

He co-founded PPLMD Ltd, which specialises in enhancing collaborative working in the Pharma, Biotech and related service industries. John and his partner focused on three aspects of this: Firstly, an educational program: 'Molecules to Markets' that helps companies to build their functions' mutual knowledge of how the Pharma business operates. Secondly, enhancing Project Management - providing consulting, team / leader coaching and basic project management training, particularly for the Biotech sector. Thirdly, Partnering helping Pharma companies to manage Alliances more effectively, and Pharma Outsourcing functions to develop better ways to manage relationships with CROs. PPLMD Ltd are the preferred suppliers to the London-Cambridge based cluster One Nucleus, and also are on the Exec committee of the PIPMG (Pharmaceutical Industry Project Management Group).