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Operational Taxes for Banks
20 May 2025
Crowne Plaza Kings CrossLondon
20 May 2025|Crowne Plaza Kings Cross, London

Operational Taxes for Banks

Industry solutions for the latest regulatory and operational tax challenges for banks.

Get prepared for CARF and CRS amendments, stay ahead of developments in European withholding tax and more.

Key 2025 topics:

Drive efficiency in your firm and prepare for policy requirements

Meet the Heads of Op Taxes across the biggest banks

Join your industry peers who are shaping the operational tax policies and processes within their banks and benchmark your practices against theirs.

Gain a clear picture on how they are overcoming the common industry challenges and how they are effectively installing the shared solutions.

Gain insight into the latest developments in operational taxes regulation

Prepare for amendments to the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) and address potential challenges.

You'll also take away a thorough understanding of how the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) may affect your organisation.

Understand how to successfully navigate the FASTER initiative

You'll gain expert insight into dealing with the latest complexities and challenges around FASTER

Gain practical guidance from tax authorities and absorb what they can provide to the industry

Sponsorship opportunities for 2025

Become an event partner and raise your firm's profile within the operational taxes space...

As an event sponsorship or exhibition partner, we can help you to forge new business relationships, share your experiences and position yourself as a go-to firm. Through understanding your business objectives and requirements we can tailor a solution to suit your strategy and budget.

Don't miss your chance to get involved! For a bespoke package contact Sade Soares.