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Operational Taxes for Banks - BST (British Summer Time, GMT+1)
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Operational Taxes for Banks - BST (British Summer Time, GMT+1)
08:30 - 09:00
Registration and Networking
09:00 - 09:10
Chairperson's opening remarks
09:10 - 09:50
Future proofing tax functions
09:50 - 10:30
CRS: Addressing the practical implications
10:30 - 10:55
Networking break
10:55 - 11:45
FASTER: Will the directive make for a ‘safer’ industry
11:45 - 12:30
CARF: Understanding the OECD’s new requirements
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch break & networking
13:30 - 14:15
Technology and Tax: Cultural Shifts
14:15 - 15:05
Withholding tax: Liaising with tax authorities & lessons learnt
15:05 - 15:30
Networking break
15:30 - 16:10
Investor Tax: Ensuring your clients are aware of what they’re signing up for
16:10 - 16:50
Transfer pricing: Effective liaison with tax authorities
16:50 - 17:00
Chairperson's summation & end of conference
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