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Operational Taxes for Banks
20 May 2025
Crowne Plaza Kings CrossLondon

Ali Kazimi
Managing Director at Hansuke Consulting


Ali Kazimi is the managing partner at Hansuke. Before founding Hansuke, Ali served as the Tax Leader for the Banking and Investment Management sector at a leading global consulting firm. Ali has over 25 years of financial services industry experience having held successive leadership roles within Big 4 firms and as head of tax at Barclays Global Investors (now BlackRock).

Ali is a frequent speaker at conferences and has also written on a wide range of topics. Ali is a chartered accountant and a long-standing member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment, International Fiscal Association, and the Association of Corporate Treasurers.

Agenda Sessions

  • Chairperson's opening remarks

  • Chairperson's summation & end of conference
