Why partner with Pharma Law USA?
With increased focus by the regulators on the pharma sector, pressure from litigation, and new commercial practices and trends, ensure that your thought leadership and expertise are recognized by the industry.
Showcase your knowledge, promote your brand and connect with your future clients at the Pharma Law USA conference in Boston.
Get in touch with Thomas Martins on +44 20 7017 6547 to discuss how your firm can get involved.
Join the speaker faculty
Secure a prime speaking slot on the agenda on a topic tailored to your firm's objectives; a powerful platform from which to showcase your knowledge and expertise to potential future clients.
Branding opportunities
Prominent branding on the conference website, banners, marketing materials and event documentation; a comprehensive marketing opportunity, providing exposure to senior in-house counsel within the pharma sector far beyond the conference attendees.
Complementary & discounted passes
Ensure key members of staff, or even key clients or prospects, attend the event for free. Plus, an exclusive discount to share with clients.