David BlackburnManaging Director at NERASpeaker
David Blackburn is an economic testifying expert whose specialties include intellectual property, antitrust and competition policy, and econometric analysis. He leads NERA’s life sciences group. Dr. Blackburn provides thorough analysis and expert testimony for high-profile clients in industries including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, music and entertainment, technology, natural resources, and consumer products.
Dr. Blackburn regularly conducts analyses related to the issues of commercial success and preliminary and permanent injunctions in Inter Partes Review and Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) proceedings pursuant to the Hatch-Waxman Act. In his antitrust and commercial damages practices, Dr. Blackburn has assessed liability and damages in disputes related to tying, price discrimination, monopolization, and breaches of contract, among other matters. He has also assessed the competitive effects of mergers and acquisitions and issues relating to impact and damages in class action litigation. In his antitrust and IP practices, Dr. Blackburn has experience critiquing damage models and designing and providing economic analysis. He writes and speaks publicly about a range of IP and antitrust issues in pharmaceuticals and entertainment.
Agenda Sessions
Focus on Biologics & Biosimilars: Antitrust, IP & Other Issues
, 11:10amView Session