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PCC Canada 2025 - Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress Canada
June 2-3, 2025
The Omni King Edward Hotel | Toronto, ON

Russell Williams
Senior Vice President, Mission at Diabetes Canada


Russell is the Senior Vice-President, Mission, Diabetes Canada. Leading the organization’s efforts to support people with diabetes and their families, including improved access to medications and devices, supporting research, education and connection programs for people with diabetes and health care professionals.

He is the former president of Innovative Medicines Canada (formerly Rx&D), a leading voice of the innovative life science sector in Canada. His leadership included working with all governments, and he was involved in numerous task forces on pharmaceutical policy, and also participated in a number of key international coalitions focused on improving research, health care and ethics networks. Russell chaired the Code Compliance Network for the IFPMA, and since 2011, served as the primary private sector lead for the APEC biopharmaceutical ethics initiative, a group of 21 countries that developed international principles for business ethics. He was Industry Co-Chair and is currently the Patient Co-Chair of the APEC Biopharmaceutical Working Group on Ethics. Prior to leading IMC, Russell served as the Member of the Quebec National Assembly, for the riding of Nelligan. Ethics, integrity, health care improvement and patient engagement in health care have always been a passion of Russell’s.