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PM Springfest Exhibitor Manual
April 24, 2025
Metro Toronto Convention CentreToronto

Exhibitor Communications

Stay up-to-date with exhibitor information! Important updates for exhibitors will be posted here.


Exhibitor Essentials

Exhibitor Essential #1 | Released:

Lead Retrieval - Badge Scanner

Lead retrieval helps you easily capture, qualify and connect with potential buyers who attend the show. You can also use the scanner unit to capture fellow exhibitor badges.

Please note, this is the only way to receive an attendee list from the show. Anyone emailing you with claims they had an attendee list for purchase is a scam, please be aware these offers are fraudulent. We do not sell or release data and have strict policies around the protection of data at Informa. These scammers do not have any relationship with PM Springfest or Informa and they do NOT have the data they are attempting to sell.


Easy To Use – The Lead Retrieval Scanners are as simple as point and click so you can spend your time talking to potential buyers and not trying to scan their badge.

Accurate Information – Since lead data is linked to the event registration data, you will have access to the most up to date information available; even if updated during the event.

Flexible & Reliable – All of the devices are handheld and battery-operated. This provides you with the freedom to scan a lead pretty much anywhere, not to mention no additional power is required to operate the unit.

Additional Exposure – When you rent a lead retrieval device from MicroSpec your company contact details will appear on the “Who scanned Me” report of the individuals that visited your booth. This unique solution is sent to each attendee post-event and can facilitate proactive follow-up with you by the potential buyer.

Fully Supported Onsite – MicroSpec lead retrieval personnel are on-site throughout the show with fast and friendly service. They care about your experience so their staff walk the exhibit hall during show hours and visit booths multiple times a day. They’re always ready to answer any questions you may have.

To order your lead retrieval unit(s), visit the Lead Retrieval Order Page. Place your order by April 11, 2025, to receive discount rates.

Exhibitor Lunch and Learn

In order to prepare you for the show, we will be having a Virtual Exhibitor Lunch and Learn on April 3, 2025 at 12 noon EST. This Lunch and Learn is an online event that exhibitors can sign up to attend below. We will be going over what's new, protocols, deadline dates and more. So bring your lunch and your questions, we can't wait to see you!

Quick Tips - How to have a Better PM Springfest Experience

These tips are designed to help you have a BETTER PM Springfest Experience while preparing you for the show.


Establish Goals & Objectives

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” – Yogi Berra

Determining what you want to get out of PM Springfest will help you reach your goals and objectives for the show.

Not sure where to start? Your goals should be S.M.A.R.T.

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Achievable

R - Realistic

T - Timely

Want to take it 1 Step further?

Have a Pre-show meeting with staff to establish these goals, scheduling and create a game plan together.

Then, instill some friendly competition among your staff. Work together to ensure your exhibit has more impact than your competitor’s!

Business Centre Services

The Business Centre is located in the North Building, Level 300 outside Hall C and is open Monday to Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm. Services include: photocopying, custom printing, outbound courier service and a selection of office supplies and tools.

Contact the Business Centre to arrange for large, customized printing projects well in advance at +1 (416) 585-8387 or