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Saskatchewan Real Estate Forum
Thursday October 16, 2025
TCU Place, Saskatoon

Chairs' Reception - October 15 - Remai Modern Museum, Riverview Room

Four offerings to choose from

Canadian Real Estate Forum Magazine

The Canadian Real Estate Forum Magazine, published three times a year, offers insights into Canada’s major markets – Edmonton, Montréal, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa, and Toronto. The Magazine is exclusively targeted to Canada’s largest and most important real estate owners, investors, advisors and managers.

Canadian Apartment Investment Report

Published in conjunction with the Canadian Apartment Investment Conference, the Canadian Apartment Investment Report is an annual report targeted exclusively to Canada’s largest and most important multi-unit residential owners, investors, lenders and developers.

Western Canada Apartment Investment Report

The report is a national publication targeting three western markets and key decision-makers in the multi-unit residential sector. Delegates attending the Western Canada Apartment Investment Conference and those that sign up for the multi-residential concurrent sessions at both Vancouver and Edmonton Forum will received the report.


The RealInsights Reports, powered by Altus Group's Investment Transaction Research, features curated content from industry leaders during the program formation of the Real Estate Forums and Conferences. One report is produced for each 20 Real Estate Forums and Conference scheduled. Each report features the Top 10 Insights focused on major trends, from coast to coast.