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Saskatchewan Real Estate Forum
Thursday October 16, 2025
TCU Place, Saskatoon

Chairs' Reception - October 15 - Remai Modern Museum, Riverview Room

Derek Burleton
Vice President and Deputy Chief Economist at TD Bank Group


Derek Burleton is Vice President and Deputy Chief Economist for TD Bank Group. In his role, he leads a team of economists that provides leading analysis on the Canadian and U.S. economies. Each year, he travels extensively across Canada and the U.S., speaking at more than 75 events on economic and financial developments. As a respected commentator, Derek has been quoted by many media outlets – including the London Financial Times and the Economist. He also is frequently interviewed on the radio and television. Derek maintains a strong interest in public policy issues, and has written substantive reports on health care sustainability, education and immigration reform. He participates in a number of advisory and steering committees both internal and external to TD Bank Group. Derek Burleton received his Bachelor of Commerce from Queen’s University and an M.Sc. in Economics from the London School of Economics. Derek has more than 20 years of experience as an economist in the financial industry.

Agenda Sessions

  • Economic Outlook: Where are the key fundamentals heading? Why is Saskatchewan projected to lead the country in GDP growth in 2023?
