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Saskatchewan Real Estate Forum
Thursday October 16, 2025
TCU Place, Saskatoon

Chairs' Reception - October 15 - Remai Modern Museum, Riverview Room

Kyle Toffan
Deputy Minister at Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement


Kyle Toffan was appointed as a Deputy Minister of SaskBuilds and Procurement in November 2020. In this role he is responsible for government-wide procurement, the province’s real estate portfolio and transactions, information technology, infrastructure development and delivery and other important government services. He has also served the Province in various other senior roles over a 10-year period, including President and CEO of SaskBuilds Corporation, Executive Director of Capital Planning and Infrastructure, Director of Grants Administration and Treasury Board Analyst. Kyle also has experience in the private sector, including as Vice President in the Transaction Advisory Services practice of Ernst and Young Orenda Corporate Finance Inc. from 2015 to 2018. Throughout his career, he has led various high-profile assignments related to alternative public-private financing, procurement, infrastructure, integrated capital planning, real estate, federal-provincial-municipal relations and major change management initiatives. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Saskatchewan and a Master’s of Public Administration from Queen’s University.

Agenda Sessions

  • Closing Roundtable: Assessing the Risks, Challenges, Strategies and Opportunities For 2023 and Beyond
