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Saskatchewan Real Estate Forum
Thursday October 16, 2025
TCU Place, Saskatoon

Chairs' Reception - October 15 - Remai Modern Museum, Riverview Room

Mitch Molnar
Chief Executive Officer at Mitchell Developments Ltd.


Mitch Molnar has 30 years of real estate development and commercial property management experience. For the past 24 years Mitch has been the President of Mitchell Developments, a company active in the ownership and management of real estate assets in the Saskatchewan, the majority of that in the office and industrial market. In 2021 Mitch leveraged his acquisition, risk management and operational experience as one of the foundering partners of MDL Real Estate Income Fund which is currently active deploying equity raised from Saskatchewan investors in the Saskatchewan real estate market.

Agenda Sessions

  • The Future of Office Markets in Saskatoon and Regina: A strong return to the office, continuation of work from home or a hybrid model?

  • Closing Roundtable: Assessing the Risks, Challenges, Strategies and Opportunities For 2023 and Beyond
