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Saskatchewan Real Estate Forum
Thursday October 16, 2025
TCU Place, Saskatoon

Chairs' Reception - October 15 - Remai Modern Museum, Riverview Room

Murad Al-Katib
President & CEO at AGT Food and Ingredients


Murad Al-Katib, President, Chief Executive Officer and Board member of AGT Food and Ingredients Inc. An international agri-food, strategic business and financial thinker, Murad founded AGT Foods in 2001, building a Canadian start-up into a global billion-dollar value-added, plant-based protein company supplying pulses, staple foods and ingredients to customers around the globe. Murad has a varied experience in board roles including appointments to the Industry Strategy Council of the Government of Canada in 2020; Chair, Government of Canada National Agri-Food Strategy Roundtable; Chair of the SME Advisory Board for Canada’s Trade Minister; Chair, Executive Committee, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada; the Board of Pulse Canada and as Board Chair of Economic Development Regina. Murad’s current Board appointments include the Canadian Pulse and Special Crops Trade Association, the Protein Industries Canada Supercluster, the Century Initiative and the Board of Directors of Saudi Arabia Milling Company, the recently privatized flour mills of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Murad is also a graduate of the Rottman Institute of Corporate Directors ICD course.

Agenda Sessions

  • Saskatchewan’s Competitive Advantage: How are oil, gas, mining, and agri-business driving growth?
