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Seatrade Maritime Logistics Middle East
16-18 May 2023
Dubai World Trade CentreDubai

Adel Kalantar
Director of Maritime Business Development Department at Dubai Maritime Authority of the Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation


Mr. Adel Kalantar is currently the Director of Maritime Business Development Department, at Dubai Maritime Authority of the Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation, which is involved in the development of the Maritime Sector in the Emirate of Dubai, as well as overcoming the difficulties and challenges facing the sector and following up regarding the improvement of Dubai ranking among the leading maritime cities in the world. With more than 30 years of experience, he started his career journey at Dubai Municipality, then joined the Department of Economic Development (DED). After that he joined the Dubai Airport Free Zone Authority. Mr. Adel has earned a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (major) and Statistics (minor).

Agenda Sessions

  • Industry Keynote - Dubai Maritime Authority
