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Seatrade Maritime Logistics Middle East
16-18 May 2023
Dubai World Trade CentreDubai

Danial Kaabi
CEO at Sea Horizon Offshore Marine Services


Danial Kaabi is the CEO of Sea Horizon Marine Services, a company committed to servicing multinational companies and delivering excellent services globally. Coming from a family with long-standing success within the sector, Danial has strong foundations and a deep understanding of numerous aspects of maritime and offshore operations and has been featured in industry publications as an expert in his field.

Having studied Global Business and Economics, Danial has been leading their third-generation company from a very young age with great success, growing its’ international outreach. He is a firm believer of building and sustaining firm, family-like relationships with clients and business partners, while with entrepreneurism at his core, Danial is the founder and sits on the board of KBL Smart Solutions Commodity Trading and Forte Global International.

Passionate about youth empowerment, Danial is an active member of YoungShip UAE and enjoys inspiring and supporting the new generation entering the industry at every given opportunity.

Agenda Sessions

  • Supply - Demand Gap: Possibilities for OSV market in the Middle East
