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Seatrade Maritime Logistics Middle East
16-18 May 2023
Dubai World Trade CentreDubai

Hitesh Vyas
Vice President – Middle East & Green Recycling Coordinator at Wirana Shipping DMCC



  • Chartered Accountant – India
  • CPA – Canada
  • Certificate in Ship recycling – Lloyd’s Maritime Academy
  • Training Session – Hazardous Materials & Preparing Ship Recycling Plan

Work Experience:

With Wirana Shipping Corporation since 2014 - Various aspects of Ship Recycling – mainly

  • Green Recycling of Ships
  • Contracts
  • Commercial aspects
  • Ship Recycling Facility development and certification
  • Banking and Finance
  • Representing Wirana on Panels as well as participation at Conferences and Seminars across the world
  • Meeting Ship Owners and Ship Recyclers to clear all aspects related to green ship recycling.

During the 25 years prior to working with Wirana, have worked across multiple industries such as – Textiles, Pharmaceuticals, Automotives, Financial & Tax Consulting.

  • Finance and Management functions

Agenda Sessions

  • Panel session 4 | Sustainability-Driven Supply Chains: Decarbonisation & compliance – considerations for business and operations
