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Seatrade Maritime Logistics Middle East
16-18 May 2023
Dubai World Trade CentreDubai

Jesper Nielsen
Group Responsibility Director at Monjasa


Jesper Nielsen has been an integral part of the Monjasa Group since 2012, and in 2021, he was appointed as Group Responsibility Director. As Group Responsibility Director, Jesper Nielsen is responsible for driving the Monjasa Group’s ESG agenda and leading a range of different efforts such as supply chain emissions accounts and developing industry transparency on this with Monjasa’s customers. Since his accession to Group Responsibility Director, Jesper Nielsen has contributed significantly to the strategic and commercial development of Monjasa’s ambition to become an enabler of alternative fuels. In 2022, Monjasa joined Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping with Jesper Nielsen as representative, taking an active part in discussions on the shipping industry’s transition to alternative fuels. In addition to his role as Group Responsibility Director, Jesper Nielsen is also Managing Director for CBED, the Monjasa Group’s shipowning company specialising in offering tailor-made hotel solutions for the benefit of offshore operators. Here, he has led CBED’s efforts in driving energy efficiencies under the ISO 50001 standard. Jesper Nielsen started his professional career in shipping in 2004 with first Mærsk and since DS Norden before joining Monjasa, and thereby holds extensive knowledge of the industry.

Agenda Sessions

  • The State of Play: Alternative fuels and carbon price
