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Seatrade Maritime Logistics Middle East
16-18 May 2023
Dubai World Trade CentreDubai

Philip Evans
Secretary General at The European Freight & Logistics Leaders’ Forum


Philip is Secretary General of the European Freight & Logistics Leaders’ Forum (F&L) – , an international network of senior business leaders from across global supply chains, focused on freight logistics. He is responsible for the day-to-day business of the organisation, liaising with its Members and its strategic development. Members benefit from online and live events including business roundtables, conferences, debates, expert comment and presentations, innovation events and networking.

F&L Members operate in all sectors and all modes of transport in the logistics industry, based across Europe and globally. The organisation brings together shippers, logistics service providers, academics, and other supply chain stakeholders, to discuss current issues and debate long-term strategic solutions. F&L is a not for profit and non-lobby organisation working to spread best practice and mutually beneficial collaboration to optimise efficiency and build economic and environmental sustainability.

Philip is a senior management executive with extensive experience in international supply chains, working with companies across industry sectors to improve operational performance, encourage multi-stakeholder dialogue, develop best practice, and grow international sales. His experience covers the logistics and service industries, including the food & drink and retail sectors, particularly in relation to international supply chains and expansion in key global commercial and consumer markets. Philip’s knowledge of global markets comes from over two decades working as an adviser and entrepreneur in international markets including as commercial director of a food & drink export wholesaler, founder of an international retail franchise and adviser to ambitious international businesses. He was formerly an adviser and corporate finance Partner at Arthur Andersen and Head of its European Retail team. Philip started his career in investment banking in London working with Brown Shipley and NatWest Markets.

Agenda Sessions

  • Keynote Address

  • Panel session 1|The Future of Supply Chain Logistics: Inflation, near shoring and non-stop disruption
