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Seatrade Maritime Logistics Middle East
16-18 May 2023
Dubai World Trade CentreDubai

Qihui Shao
General Manager, Dubai Branch at China Classification Society


Qihui Shao, joined the China Classification Society (CCS) in 2008 after he got a master's degree in the Design and Manufacture of Ship and Ocean Structures. He is now the general manager of the CCS Dubai Branch, responsible for CCS business works in this area, as well as management and technical works of ships survey and marine equipment inspection, providing intelligent and green technology for shipping companies together with CCS technical team.

Prior to his career at CCS Dubai Branch, Qihui SHAO worked as a manager and senior engineer at the CCS Paris Office, senior engineer at CCS London Office, and worked as a surveyor and auditor for shipbuilding and ships in service at CCS different departments. During that time, he also worked as an IACS Project Team member for updating UR S14, as well as taking part in some IMO, IACS and other international conferences and industry-joined group work. He made effort to the implementation of green technology for small newbuilding ships, and the first vessel with battery power in the northernmost of China had been delivered.

Agenda Sessions

  • The State of Play: Alternative fuels and carbon price
