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Seatrade Maritime Logistics Middle East
16-18 May 2023
Dubai World Trade CentreDubai

Vivek Balagopal
General Manager E&A at Wärtsilä


Vivek Balagopal is an Electrical and Automation professional in the marine industry for over 35 years. He started his career in the Indian Public sector by manufacturing computers and controllers used in CNC machines. He soon moved to the private sector and specialized in Electrical and Automation systems. He has been located in the UAE since 1980s with vast experience in Automation & Controls, before joining Wartsila in 2008. His expertise is focused on control, power, automation and later integrated systems using PLC’s and dedicated microcontrollers. He is now working mainly on Battery Hybrid and systems which optimizes the available energy and help reduce the carbon footprint of vessels, to comply with current & future regulations and decarbonizing the maritime industry. He was heavily involved in the sale, design, installation, and commissioning of the first two battery Hybrid vessel retrofits for an AHTS and PSV in the Middle East. These vessels are now operating in this region and have shown that battery hybrids are the way forward in decarbonization of offshore fleets

Agenda Sessions

  • Plugging In: A battery-powered future
